A little bit about me

An image of Luigi smiling.

I am a third year student at McMaster University studying software engineering. I have experience in various programming languages including: C, C++, Python, Java, Javascript, and HTML/CSS.

Scroll down to see some of my favorite projects, view my resume, or get in touch!

A few things I'm proud of

Check out my GitHub or archive if you'd like to see more


Trash bin emoji

A statically-typed and natively compiled programming language for x86_64 Linux, written from scratch in C.

DM::OJ Solutions

DMOJ logo

A repository of solutions for various competitive programming problems. Most solutions are written in C++ and Python.

A Bit Off

game title screen

An educational game created with Java Swing for ICS12U final culminating project. It teaches the basic bitwise operators.

OpenGl Fluid Simulation

cube wih purple smoke inside

A realtime fluid dynamics visualization in 3d, compiled to javascript using emscripten.


screenshot of game

A 2D simple world visualized in 3D using 'raycasting', created in C++ using the oneLoneCoder Pixel Game Engine.

Oh Noah You Didn't

screenshot of game

An online multiplayer game created for the Sheridan game-making contest. This game won the award for "Best Use Of Code".

All-In-One Music Aid

final prototype of music aid device

All in one device: musical tuner, metronome, and drone. Python GUI, Arduino, 3D printed enclosure.

2D Maze Generator and Pathfinder

a randomly generated maze in solved state

A* pathfinding algorithm and DFS maze generator on a 2D grid, wrapped in JS + DOM.

Get in touch

Please email me at luigi@quattrociocchi.net, or reach out via one of the following: